Signature 510
Signature 580
Signature 650

Choose your model

Built to perform

Every aspect of a Privilege is built to perform its specific job  to the highest standard.  Whether it is the hull design to make fast safe passages, all the way through to  the highest quality domestic appliances to make life onboard  effortless.  Created with bluewater cruising  at the forefront, a Privilege is developed to make servicing and maintenance straightforward, wherever you are in the world.

Privilège catamarans designed for you
Privilège catamarans built to perform

Designed for you

Each Privilege is a special project for the shipyard, with your wishes at the heart of each build.  We take the time to understand your sailing plans and then work with you to ensure that the end result is as close to your dream catamaran as possible.

We love to explore customisations and special  requests, which are simply not possible for production boat builders.  

Our ethos has always been to build the world's best bluewater cruising catamarans, 

Privilège catamarans discover new horizons
Privilège catamarans fast safe passage

Discover new horizons

Your Privilege journey starts by letting us know a bit about your sailing plans.  Whether you plan to hop between your favourite Mediterranean anchorages, or head for the horizon.  

Get in touch with your Privilege specialist to find out more.

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Privilège catamarans lookbook

Dedication to detail

The creation of every Privilège is a journey, and no two are the same. Browse through our Lookbook to discover the colours, materials and grain to match your personal taste, and find inspiration to help you choose every aspect of your new catamaran.

See the lookbook

Privilege dedication to detail

Tranquil spaces

Time onboard is precious and we work hard to ensure it can be enjoyed to its fullest.  What makes a Privilege safe also makes it tranquil.  Each bulkhead is  a composite sandwich for both strength and sound insulation, and completely laminated to avoid any movement – one of the many things we do to create the very best Catamarans on the water.

Privilège catamarans treasured moments
Privilège catamarans tranquil spaces

Treasured moments

A Privilege is built to be a home from home, wherever you are in the world.  From a class-leading owner's suite  to a cockpit designed for entertaining.

Enjoying time onboard is about making memories with your loved ones.  We go above and beyond to ensure this happens by working on the smallest details for you.  

Get in touch

The Privilege Vendee Globe Special Edition

The Privilege Vendee Globe Special Edition

Ahead of their 40 year anniversary, Privilège have teamed up with Vendée Globe to develop a limited edition catamaran.

International Multihull Show 2024

International Multihull Show 2024

Book your appointment to meet us a La Grande Motte  from 3 – 7 April and explore the beautiful Privilège Signature 510 'Ona'.